hazrat zainab bint muhammad husband name

hazrat zainab bint muhammad husband name

His reports, therefore, are not relied upon unless corroborated. The Prophet (ﷺ) went to visit him. She was also willing to marry the Prophet (ﷺ). Firstly, if we look at isnad (chain of narrators) of all these report we see them continuously receding. These are the personalities who have the ability to take the Islam at very high ranks. [3]:315 Anas ibn Malik recalled seeing Zainab in Medina wearing a striped silk cloak. A touching love story of Zainab bint Muhammad and Abu El’Ass ibn Rabee’; Zainab bint Muhammad (599— April, 630 AD) was the eldest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalu alaihi Wassalam) by his first wife Khadijah (R.A).Zainab was the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) and her cousin Abu El’Ass, was Khadeeja’s (RA) nephew. She married her maternal cousin, Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi', before December 610,[3]:313–314[4]:21[5]:162 and Khadija gave her a wedding present of an onyx necklace. She was the second child of the prophet(SAW) after Qasim and was married to maternal aunts son Abul Aas bin Rabi. Moreover, he was unanimously considered a weak narrator.[41]. 471, [35] Al-Barzinji, Muhammad b. Tahir & Hallaq, Subhi Hasan, Sahih wa Da‘if Tarikh al-Tabari, (Beirut: Dar Ibn Kathir, 2007) Vol.7, 143-144, [36] Yahya b. Salam, al-Tafsir, (Beirut: DKI, 2004) Vol.2, 721-722, [37] Al-Dhahabi, Siyar al-A‘lam al-Nubala, Vol.6, 248-249, [38] Maqatil b. Suleman, al-Tafsir, (Beirut: Dar ‘Ihya’ al-Turath, 1423 AH) Vol.3, 492-494, [39] Al-Dhahabi, Siyar al-A‘lam al-Nubala, Vol.7, 202, [40] Al-Tabari, Jami‘ al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an,  Vol.20, 274; al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Rusul wa al-Maluk, Vol. [10] However, under Muhammad's watch: Ordoni, Abu Muhammad; Muhammad Kazim Qazwini (1992), "The love story of Zainab bint Muhammad and Abu El'Ass ibn Rabee, "Restatement of History of Islam, by Sayed Ali Asgher Razwy, CE 570 to 661 : Uthman, the Third Khalifa of the Muslims: Uthman's Marriages", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zainab_bint_Muhammad&oldid=988842238, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Zainab was married to Abu al-Aas ibn al-Rabi', who belonged to, Ruqayyah and after her death Umm Kulthum were married to Uthman ibn Affan, who belonged to the, This page was last edited on 15 November 2020, at 16:01. Byzantine ruler Leo-III the Isaurian (d. 741) is also said to have referred to the alleged account in his correspondence with Caliph ‘Umar b. Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Zainab bint Muhammad has received more than 543,664 page views. حدثني يونس بن عبد الأعلى، قال: أخبرنا ابن وهب، قال: قال ابن زيد: كان النبي ص قد زوج زيد بن حارثة زينب بنت جحش ابنه عمته، فخرج رسول الله ص يوما يريده، وعلى الباب ستر من شعر، فرفعت الريح الستر فانكشف وهي في حجرتها حاسره، فوقع إعجابها في قلب النبي ص، فلما وقع ذلك كرهت إلى الآخر، قال: فجاء فقال: يا رسول الله، إني أريد ان افارق صاحبتي، فقال: مالك! see also, Al-Haithami, Majm‘ al-Zawa’id, Vol.7, 91-92 No. Zainab bint Muhammad (Arabic: زَيْنَب بِنْت مُحَمَّد‎) (599—629 CE) was the eldest daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad by his first wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid. Zainab said, ‘I followed him and listened him say, ‘Praise be to the One who turns the hearts.’ He kept saying this until he left.’[28], Abu Bakr b. Suleman b. Abi Hathma was among the later tabi‘in i.e. Then Zaid said: Shall I divorce her for you O Allah’s Messenger? Messenger of God, perhaps Zaynab has excited your admiration, and so I will separate myself from her.” The Messenger of God said, “Keep your wife to yourself.” Zayd could find no possible way to [approach] her after that day. He too does not care to mention his authority for the report. The Prophet said to him, “Keep your wife with you and fear Allah.” He said, the verse: “But (O Muhammad) you did hide in your heart that which Allah was about to make manifest” up to “We gave her into your marriage” (33.37) was revealed about Zainab.[11]. The first two children were Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S) and Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S). Her real name is Barrah. [24], وأخرج عبد بن حميد وابن المنذر عن عكرمة رضي الله عنه … أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دخل يوما بيت زيد فرآها وهي بنت عمته فكأنها وقعت في نفسه, ‘Abd b. Humaid and Ibn al-Mundhar relate from ‘Ikrima … one day the Prophet (ﷺ) entered Zaid’s house and saw Zainab – she being his paternal cousin – and it was as if she struck his imagination.[25]. Zaynab had dressed in haste when she was told “the Messenger of God is at the door.” She jumped up in haste and excited the admiration of the Messenger of God, so that he turned away murmuring something that could scarcely be understood. The Prophet (SAW) replied, “Stay with your husband and children”. Moreover, despite being recognized for vast knowledge he has been condemned as a narrator. This name means “the adornment of her Father”. He sent Abu al-As home, and Abu al-As promised to send Zainab to Medina. It is generally discussed in connection with Qur’an 33:37. from the generation that met and reported on the authority of the companions. 114, [15] Al-Mizzi, Abu al-Hajjaj, Tahdhib al-Kamal, (Beirut: al-Resalah Publishers, 2000) Vol.23, 510, [16] Al-Dhahabi, al-Mu’qiza fi ‘Ilm al-Mustalah al-Hadith, (Aleppo: Matbu’at al-Islamiya, 1412 AH) 40, [17] Ibn Ishaq, al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, (Beirut: DKI, 2004) 283, [18] Ibn ‘Adi, al-Kamil fi al-Du‘afa, (Beirut: DKI, 1997)  Vol.4, 333, [19] Abu Zur‘ah, al-Du‘afa, (Madina: Islamic University: 1982) Vol.2, 432; Ibn ‘Adi, al-Kamil fi al- al-Du‘afa, Vol.4, 333 No. Ibn ‘Adi mentions this report through the following isnad: حدثنا الساجي، حدثنا الحسن بن علي الواسطي، قال: حدثنا علي بن نوح، حدثنا محمد بن كثير، حدثنا سليم مولى الشعبي عن الشعبي …, Al-Saji – al-Hasan b. Jahsh, has been a subject of a lot of disputation for centuries. She passed away in the month of Rabiul Awal or Rabiul Awal in 4 years of Hijria. Jahsh, his paternal aunt’s daughter. She was married to Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi, who belonged to the Abd ash-Shams clan of the Quraysh. [37] This suggests Zaid divorced Zainab as he observed Prophet’s (ﷺ) feelings for her but outwardly mentioned her behaviour towards him as the reason. Such weakness may be due to a narrator with a weak memory or the one about whom there has been some difference of opinion among critics. Hind bint ‘Utbah, wife of Abu Sufyaan, saw what they did together with her husband, teased them saying sarcastically, “In war you are like women and in peace you are harsh”. Thereafter, as John V. Tolan mentions, a number of Christian polemicists over the centuries and across the regions used this story to despise the Prophet of Islam.[69]. Zainab bint Jahsh was the Muhammad's cousin, her mother Umayma being the daughter of Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad's grandfather, who, while he was alive, had ensured the safety of his grandson, thanks to his position as one of the most respected leaders of the Quraysh.Thus Zainab came from one of the noble families of the Quraysh, and everyone expected her to eventually marry a man with the … Anas b. Malik (d. 92/712), a close companion of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has reported on the issue. The simple fact that Prophet (ﷺ) must have seen his cousin Zainab countless time even before giving her in marriage to Zaid shows the baselessness of the story which suggests as if the Prophet (ﷺ) fell for her in an accidental first sight. Perhaps the Messenger of God missed him at that moment, so as to ask, “Where is Zayd?” He came to his residence to look for him but did not find him. [27] Moreover, since ‘Ikrimah was only a tabi‘i his report can at best be mursal. She replied, “As he turned away, I heard him say: ‘Glory be to God the Almighty! The nickname is another great nickname besides the nickname “mother of the Believers” which she got because she had become his wife. The above not only serves as another and decisive proof against the weak reports mentioned above it also helps make better sense of the report of Qatada which says the Prophet (ﷺ) actually desired that Zaid divorced Zainab. Were the Wives of the Prophet Dissatisfied with Him? This is clear case of inserting an unwarranted suggestion into a summary version and in the process disrupting the flow of the narrative. His wife Zainab bt. This is the simple plain story that perfectly fits the Qur’anic description to the letter. This tribe was under the special responsibility of the Prophet and he married Zainab R.A … The content also shows signs of incredulous story making. Allah says: وَإِذْ تَقُولُ لِلَّذِي أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَأَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْسِكْ عَلَيْكَ زَوْجَكَ وَاتَّقِ اللَّهَ وَتُخْفِي فِي نَفْسِكَ مَا اللَّهُ مُبْدِيهِ وَتَخْشَى النَّاسَ وَاللَّهُ أَحَقُّ أَنْ تَخْشَاهُ فَلَمَّا قَضَى زَيْدٌ مِنْهَا وَطَرًا زَوَّجْنَاكَهَا لِكَيْ لَا يَكُونَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ حَرَجٌ فِي أَزْوَاجِ أَدْعِيَائِهِمْ إِذَا قَضَوْا مِنْهُنَّ وَطَرًا وَكَانَ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ مَفْعُولًا, (Remember) when you (O Prophet,) were saying to the one who was favored by Allah and favored by you, ‘keep your wife to yourself, and fear Allah.’ And you were concealing in your heart what Allah was going to reveal, and you were fearing people, while Allah is more entitled to be feared by you. Okay! hopefully the post content Article hazrat zainab bint muhammad, Article hazrat zainab bint muhammad husband name, what we write can make you understand.Happy reading. It is thus clear that from the earliest times scholars did have an understanding of the verse that was free from any suggestions on the lines of the dubious reports that started to appear from second quarter of the second century onwards and continued to develop until they were recorded in written commentaries.[63]. See, al-‘Urf, Mukhlif Banih (editor), Qit‘ah min Tafsir ‘Abd b. Humaid, (Beirut: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004). Hazrat Zainab رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہَا resembled him in this quality. ‘Ala’ al-Qushairi (d. 344/955) as well.

So Zainab stayed in Makkah, until the battle of Badr Her mother is Amimah binti Abdul Muthallib bin Hasyim, the aunt of the Prophet Muhammad. Her husband was to fight in the army of Quraish against the Muslims. Fatimah (born between 605 and 615 CE, died sometime in 632 CE; date of death is disputed) was the youngest daughter of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (l. 570-632 CE) and his first wife Khadija (l. 555-619 CE). https://icraa.org/muhammad-marriage-zainab-analysis-reports In this narration the story develops further on two accounts. Zainab, the eldest of the three, was married to one Abul-'As ibn Ar-Rabi' of Makkah. Marriage. In case of Tafsir ‘Abd b. Humaid the published section covers surah 3 & 4. , see also, Al-Haithami, Majm ‘ al-Zawa ’ id, Vol.7, 91-92 No among the narrators! Iddah ended, Allah sent a revelation from heavens regarding her marriage with Maimuna in Ihram 4! 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