do antidepressants change your personality reddit

do antidepressants change your personality reddit

Email. There are already many answers to this question and the topic can be (irony not intended) polarizing. Tweet × Share. Maybe I should change the medication, maybe I should change the dose. In the course of depression treatment, antidepressants affect personality. So, a month and a bit on Sertraline/Zooloft (50MG) - I assume this will apply to most ADs (but finding the right one can be a pain), My libido has remained unchanged (although first few weeks on them, I had ZERO interest.). Words defined are indicated by an asterisk (*) after the word. It hasn't solved all of my problems but it helped keep me out of the ditch. I've been on a mood modifier (as my doctor kindly calls it) just before New Year's. Rarely, people feel apathy or loss of emotions while on certain antidepressants. We’ll talk about when to talk with your … Also, my depression got worse on the last couple of days. Have Antidepressants Changed Your Personality? I've tried several meds successfully as a teen and as an adult. Hopefully you find something that can help you! He's become loud, embarrassing, irrational and verbally aggressive. In the course of depression treatment, antidepressants affect personality. I say this, as medical concerns do sometimes arise. But I think I'm open to giving it a try to see if it could help, because I've covered my bases with good nutrition, regular exercise, and more than adequate sleep. In general, I've often heard "it'll change your state of mind/alter your personality!" Thank you for such a detailed and thoughtful response! I think sometimes, people really like the person when they're not doing very well. Do Antidepressants Work? I recently switched from one to another as it seemed to have stopped working for me after being on it a few years this time around. Not all drugs are made equal and while changing prescriptions can be difficult, it's common to change drugs to find a better fit. FACT: Many people are nervous when taking any kind of psychotropic medication (medication for a mental illness) because they feel anything affecting the brain—the very heart of our humanity—may interfere with their identity and feelings. I spent so many years afraid of telling anyone about my depression/mood swings. For further safety information and advice please click the warning image to the left. "People's personalities actually do change and quite substantially when they go through these antidepressant treatments," Tang said. MYTH: Antidepressants will change your personality or prevent you from feeling “normal” moods. I get tired and dizzy sometimes too. MYTH: Antidepressants will change your personality or prevent you from feeling “normal” moods. Prozac literally saved my life. Using antidepressants to change personality/social anxiety for good - posted in Supplements: As we all know, scientists do not yet completely know how antidepressants work in the brain and most of the current research is piecemeal. Do Antidepressants Change Your Personality? I read some post where people talked about not wanting to be around a medicated person anymore because their personality changed :(. Thanks for your reply! ty! Does this happen when you stop taking the antidepressants? Antidepressants rapidly alter brain architecture, study finds A single dose of SSRI antidepressants such as Fluoxetine, shown here, can change … Are you still taking Prozac? 2 years ago. Words defined are indicated by an asterisk (*) after the word. When I went to my doctor and talked to him about it (which was awkward for me, it shouldn't have been though) he prescribed me to some medicine that would produce more positive chemicals in my brain, and explained that the depression I had was only a chemical imbalance. Not for reasons you may think, I had no fear of modern medicine nor did I believe antidepressants were more harmful than good, as was often written in on-line blogs and medical advice websites. So in short, yes; it will change your personality. Weaning off antidepressants, including Lexapro, Zoloft, Paxil, and others, can come with some side effects. Antidepressants can cause radical changes in your emotional state, personality, or decisionmaking. I doubt its changing the core of you. I don't snap as easily and my personality feels "lighter." Reddit. Whether that is a good thing for you or not is up to you to decide, but the simple fact is that they do influence personality in some way. Share on Reddit Share on Google+ Share on StumbleUpon Share on LiveJournal. Do Antidepressants Permanently Rewire the Human Brain? Your personality is your character...who you are deep down. According to new research, if you notice your antidepressant affecting you from the very first dose, it probably isn’t “all in your head” or necessarily an indication of hypomania. For the first time, research has shown that a widely used antidepressant may cause subtle changes in brain structure and function when taken by those who are not depressed. My advice for meds: Don't listen to anyone else. Personality changes; Gastrointestinal symptoms including diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, and dyspepsia (for which antacids may be prescribed) Birth defects; Liver injury (very rare) As with any medication, adequate risks/benefits must be taken into consideration. Bottom line, work with your doctor to find the best one for you. I've tried medication and therapy and neither worked for me. RaineSlave Featured By Owner Jan 29, 2008. The side effects kind of suck but they gradually subsided for me (except for mild tiredness and occasional dizzy spells). In contrast, drugs called tricyclic antidepressants, which affect the serotonin system less, seem to affect women's feelings of love more than men's, the researchers said. That said, a relative of mine has seen really great results with Prozac and their quality of life has shot through the roof: no weight gain, no nothing. My biggest issue, instead, was pride. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The minute I got back from my holiday, I went to the GP. 04.03.2018 ; By Meghan Nesmith; The discourse around mental health has picked up speed, but it remains an underserved topic. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Spreading information and countering misinformation about antidepressants. I'm glad that they're working for you! Quite different from the effect of exercise, which brings me a quick but temporary surge of positive feelings.). It has saved my life. Written by David Railton on March 7, 2018 — Fact checked by. In the study, researchers compared the effects of SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants on the love lives of 192 people with depression — 123 women and 69 men — whose mean age was 41. However, how much is a side effect and how much is conscious responsibility is not always clear cut. But I suppose some people are attracted to fixing people? Although it varies from person to person like you have stated, anti depressants tend to do a good job in combatting depression. Here is link number 1 - Previous text "one", Here is link number 2 - Previous text "two", Please PM /u/eganwall with issues or feedback! It’s been two weeks since I started taking paxil and anafranil 25 mg. Maybe is a little early to say this, but so far is not helping. It's a fine line between yes and no, and what you consider to be an actual "change" versus a reversion or improvement on what was already inside you. I know there is a strong antidepressants lobby such as those on Good Luck, and if you'd like any more info drop me a PM :). Antidepressants are some of the most commonly prescribed medications out there. Do Antidepressants Permanently Rewire the Human Brain? Perhaps this can work for you. Antidepressants Can Change Your Personality “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” This ancient quote sums up the long-held view that our personality is fixed from childhood and nothing much changes after that. The first month I was taking the meds I became extremely lethargic, I was so out of it all I could do is lay in my bed all day, this happened to me on the weekends because when I was working and in motion these "side effects" wouldn't affect me as much. I did the same thing as you, I studied the side effects and symptoms of antidepressants, I was scared that it would make me shut down (as well as my fiancé) and become addicted and so forth. Yeah, hearing stuff like this kinda scares me but from what I hear it can sometimes take a month or maybe even more before people can definitively say they are helping or not. Link. I'm really considering asking my doctor for some next time I see her but I'm afraid it will just give me bad symptoms like low libido or weight gain that will just make things worse. Without a doubt yes. Fact: When taken correctly, antidepressants will not change your personality. Telegram. Honestly hearing from people in this sub has made me question whether or not my depression is serious enough to risk all the side effects that can potentially come from antidepressants. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Personality of your SO after they took antidepressants Odd question but was wondering for those with SO's who took antidepressants after your relationship had begun, how did the antidepressants change your SO's behavior/personality (if any change occurred). Tumblr. I wouldn't say that I terribly wanted to live: just that I stopped wanting to die. Either way, I would say yes, ADs can change your personality, for better and worse depending on the person and the actual change. I lost weight as I completely lost my appetite, the meds made me feel quite violently sick and the thought of eating was vomit-inducing. There's still days where I can still feel the sadness, the urge to end my life, but I'm still here. This gives me hope. I’ve taken fluoxetine for years. It really depends on the person. And it sounds like you stopped before; if so, why did you stop? But if you're struggling with depression, don't rule out medication. And sometimes, as you feel a little better, more secure, people don't want to put in the work because the relationship changes. I was all fine with this … I don’t know, but I think that you should go to a psychiatrist and see for yourself. It might help you to make a list of symptoms you have and a list of concerns to take in with you if you're like me and terrified of speaking with doctors. Everyone is different, it can take some trial and error. Sorry to hear things have been so turbulent for you. If the drug doesn't seem to be working after the set period it's supposed to, talk to your doctor about it. Press J to jump to the feed. If it's temporary, how long does it take to return to your old self? I've gotten similar feedback from my family "you seem happy and relaxed". Taking an antidepressant can lead to significant personality changes, likely for the better, a new study finds. :), Twice in my life, Prozac has intervened and helped my depression to slowly but surely float away. from neurotypical individuals as scare tactics to get people NOT to take medication for a genuine problem, when the medication would be more likely to help them. I know antidepressants change your brain chemistry and your personality, but are these changes permanent or temporary? Zoloft (sertraline) brought me back to who I was prior to my depressive/irritable episodes. Everyone's different. Early on next month, I'll be put on some anti-depressants. I've been on medication ever since I was 15. No bad effect on libido (which is also up since depression lifted) But also remember that (barring hospitalization or some such) you are not obliged to keep taking meds if the side effects are worse than anticipated. My one piece of advice would be to stay active in the choice of drug. After you level out, you should find that suicidal ideation is reduced or gone, some things make you smile, and there are glimmers of hope. Antidepressants can change two aspects of personality that are linked to depression, research finds. I was in a downward spiral of anxiety and depression. Not just the pill alone. Be strong. Often one has to experiment with several to arrive at even that point, if they even work to that extent (they do not for everyone). Doctors like to say that the medications won't change your personality, but I don't know if I agree with them. antidepressants, as well as psychotherapy, such as CBT may help obsessive thoughts primarily by allowing the brain to “let go “ of anxiety. We’ll go over the medications that are associated with brain shakes… I get worried that it's changing my personality. That said, there are plenty of demonstrable changes in personality; here are some from this sub: one two three four. I also notice I seem to have an insatiable appetite so also working on that. Press J to jump to the feed. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! I got lucky with this one working for me so fast. Which medication was the dopamine booster? ReddIt. I was genuinely ready for it to all end, I was crying every single night (and I don't know why?) I was too young to notice the effects on libido. In the second episode of a series on antidepressants, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana describe how some antidepressant medications can give your entire personality an overhaul, and how it may not always be a positive change. According to new research, if you notice your antidepressant affecting you from the very first dose, it probably isn’t “all in your head” or necessarily an indication of hypomania. I hope it works for you and you start feeling better soon. ‘I think you have to accept that there’s a structural change in your brain when you take drugs like Prozac’ Logic dictates that anti-depressants will make you less depressed, ergo making you a happier person. I hope you can find a routine that works for you. It is most commonly known as Zoloft and is present in 16 other generic forms in Australia. I didn't even feel hungry. Ask questions about whatever your doctor recommends - what kind of reaction you can expect, what area it's supposed to target, etcetc. I could actually feel myself being happier and more positive. There is not a 'one size fits all' solution. May 3, 2020 #1 Hi All! If the change is beneficial and helps your life, then good. A commonly prescribed antidepressant may alter brain structures in depressed and non-depressed individuals in very different ways, according to new research at … But many researchers have attributed these changes to a … Like another poster adequately summarised in his/her post. I have been prescribed fluoxetine a month ago and have yet to take them. Do anti-depressants change your personality? She started taking antidepressant medication, and the effect it had on her was completely unexpected. Truly over-the-top. Bee’s Note: Please see "Definitions" at the end of this article. At the same time, people’s extroversion was increased, making them feel more outgoing and sociable. I accepted, I thought fuck it - I'm not letting other peoples experiences/stories dictate what I do. People feel that they need to do it themselves, that it’s a weakness, that they’re flawed in some way. It’s not like a blood pressure reading. Thanks again for your thoughts. Waiting on my appt next week to try a new route. All promotion aside—good or bad—are they effective? Twitter. Expert Q & A: Your mental health questions answered The notion that antidepressant drugs -- and SSRIs in particular -- can cause personality changes is … That said, there are plenty of demonstrable changes in personality; here are some from this sub: one two three four. Dec. 7, 2009 -- Besides treating depression, the antidepressant Paxil may affect personality traits in positive ways, a new study suggests.. Neuroticism — which is characterised by negative thinking in a range of areas — was reduced in people taking a common antidepressant. | Delete, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the antidepressants community. Yes, certain personality traits change on medication, and the experience can be at times pleasant, dulling, or extremely disconcerting. Moral behaviour is usually considered the province of philosophers and ethicists, but a new study suggests the way we treat others is actually tied to our brain chemistry. No weight gain and actually lost weight, no libido decrease, and improved mood. Antidepressants Can Change Personalities. At best it quells certain negative anxieties & their effects. In the beginning, I was a very irate person and I snap at little things easily (due to depression and anxiety). I am my own guinea pig and have observed myself intently over the past 15 years or so. 3 JULY 2015 . Antidepressants: Do they really work? At other times, you can learn to cope by making some positive lifestyle changes that enhance your physical fitness and, in turn, your emotional well-being. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I’ve also been off it long term. These are obviously more negative than the ideal scenario. Antidepressants Affect People’s Moral Behaviour, Study Finds . I’ve seen amazing things with all of the medication I’ve prescribed. Aug 11, 2014 05:21 PM By Dana Dovey. I forget the name of the meds I take but all I know is that I have to take it at night, because if I took it in the daytime it would make me drowsy af. Closed to new replies Posted: January 29, 2008. While it's good to persevere, sometimes there can be a better option than taking a drug for months or years that may not working for you. Bee’s Note: Please see "Definitions" at the end of this article. I'd love to be hopeful that meds will actually make me want to live but I've heard some pretty crappy things about meds on here. And I know it's different from person to person but I'd just like to hear what you guys say. Email. Anti-depressants 'can change personality' Anti-depressants really can change someone's personality, researchers find, as patients become more extrovert and less neurotic. They can suggest antidepressants and you absolutely don't have to take them, but I hope your choice at this point is an informed one. I’m having a lot of suicidal thoughts. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock. Yeah, I exercise regularly and I'd say it helps somewhat but definitely not in a big enough, or permanent enough, way to make a difference. The psychological changes such as depression, anxiety, and thoughts of uncertainty are quite common and are predictable. I use to keep to myself, but now I'm more willing to open up and talk to people. Do SSRIs permentatly change your personality and brain chemistry? I asked doctor whether or not it changes your personality and he says it doesn't. If therapy or medication doesn't work then what do you rely on for treating depression? The decision to use medicine as treatment for my depression was a hard one. I don't feel it because the change is slow for me, but other people pointed out that I'm different. i was on zoloft for 9 months for anxiety, it did help my anxiety but it also made me feel really apathetic and trapped in my own mind. I like to think that any self-respecting medical professional understands that the commitment to taking an anti-depressant is something of a social, mental, and economic hurdle and isn't a decision that should be made lightly. I haven't been on antidepressants for four years now and I do strongly recommend the usual: regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, etcetc, but goodluck! Ive never felt like that in my life until i took zoloft. Recently, he's become a raging bully; I can't say it's a personality change but it's certainly a frightening intensification of his former personality, minus his good qualities. In those years, there have been times when I've skipped, not taken it, or gone off it completely. In the second episode of a series on antidepressants, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana describe how some antidepressant medications can give your entire personality an overhaul, and how it may not always be a positive change. August 2, 2010. Jasmin Collier. It's hard to tell the difference between how I was before and now by myself, but I've been told by my family that I act "better." Thanks for your reply! "In the past, we tended to dismiss the personality changes … I'm really considering asking my doctor for some next time I see her but I'm afraid it will just give me bad symptoms like low libido or weight gain that will just make things worse. Share; Comments; Print; Advertisement. 3 months in, I'm still depressed, but it's more manageable. However, how much is a side effect and how much is conscious responsibility is not always clear cut. Hopefully you'll find something that'll help soon. If you are taking antidepressants – please don’t rush to change your dose or even stop them – without working closely with a doctor you trust and who understands you. Speak to your Doctor, get on the waiting list for Therapy and start trying medication (if you feel it is necessary). The conditions that had helped propagate my depression hadn't left and I didn't receive therapy - there was only so much the antidepressants could do for me. A week and a half ago I could feel it kicking. Anti-depressants aren't a cure, studies suggest they work with therapy best. I'd love to be hopeful that meds will actually make me want to live but I've heard some pretty crappy things about meds on here. Copy Link. Antidepressants Don’t Just Change Your Sex Drive, They Can Affect Your Feelings Of Love Toward Your Mate. Not possible. If someone takes an AD and is happier and more outgoing/less socially anxious, you could make the case for either, although at some level it's irrelevant. 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