is salerio and salarino same

is salerio and salarino same

Before Shylock’s house. the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject 1295 to the same diseases, healed by the same means, ... and my old Venetian friend Salerio? %���� Therefore, instead of printing the traditional stage direction that reads “Handing him a deed,” we print “Handing him a paper.” Whenever it is reasonably certain, in our view, that a speech is accompanied by a particular action, we provide a stage direction describing the action. The role of Salarino and Solanio is to be bystanders that provide narration and comic relief. What is the plot of the long-lost Love's Labour's Won? Salarino's and Salanio's opening lines are hurried and excited. We acknowledge that in one scene (Act 3, scene 3) there is a confusion involving the name Salerio, but we do not think that this single confusion is enough to warrant collapsing the three roles into two. The masked Gratiano and Salerio wait for Lorenzo outside Shylock’s house. The same. However close the names may be, they are decidedly different. First, the two names differ by … The four winds, or Anemoi in Greek mythology, were gods associated with the four cardinal directions and thought to bring the seasons and weather conditions. See 3 authoritative translations of Salario in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. The Merchant of Venice, that ‘Solanio and Salarino, or Salarino and Solanio—friends to each other, who have interchangeable names and whose only lines are mutually interchangeable, are symbolic of being most unworthy of attention among friends of It is so referred because Salarino feels that like the Spanish ship Andrea captured by the British in 1596, his ship too is majestic and rich with cargo. %PDF-1.5 SALERIO I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost. 1 0 obj They have a … Before Shylock’s house. Salrino and Solanio are Friends of main character Antonio. Whenever we change either the wording or the punctuation of Q1 so that meaning changes, we list the change in the textual notes, even if all we have done is fix an obvious error. You can see how Salarino families moved over time by selecting different census years. Solanio, Salarino, and Salerio all inhabited Merchant when it first appeared in the 1600 quarto edition known to scholars as Q1, but whether Shakespeare meant there to be two characters or three is a matter of mystery. (vi) When Salarino would go to the church he would see the holy building made of stone. We expand the often severely abbreviated forms of names used as speech headings in early printed texts into the full names of the characters. <>>> II.ix. In 1623 the play was again printed, this time as a part of the collection of Shakespeare’s plays now known as the First Folio. <> How do Salerio and Salarino feel about Shylock? They fill in important information that the audience needs to full understand the play. They have a … endobj �/]�\���o��Er������o�������������R͞�-MN�Z�\ • Written by William Shakespeare around 1597, The Merchant of Venice is a "comedy" about a bitter and detested Jewish moneylender (Shylock) who seeks revenge against a Christian merchant who has defaulted on a loan. Explore the First Quarto of The Merchant of Venice (1600) in Miranda. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Variable : changing in mood. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Editors and readers have often had trouble distinguishing among three characters with closely similar names: Salarino, Solanio, and Salerio. Whenever we change the wording of the First Quarto (Q1) or add anything to its stage directions, we mark the change by enclosing it in superior half-brackets (⌜ ⌝). endobj vi) When Salarino would goto church what would he see? 4 0 obj the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject 1295 to the same diseases, healed by the same means, ... and my old Venetian friend Salerio? Written by William ShakespeareCreator: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616Date Created: 1600Folger Reference ID: STC 22296 copy 1. How do Salerio and Salarino feel about Shylock? They fill in important information that the audience needs to full understand the play. In 1920 there was 1 Salarino family living in Massachusetts. See 3 authoritative translations of Salario in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. You can see how Salarino families moved over time by selecting different census years. Do you have questions or feedback for the Folger Shakespeare team? Salarino's and Salanio's opening lines are hurried and excited. How unique is the name Salerio? ... [Enter SHYLOCK, SALARINO, ANTONIO, and Gaoler] Shylock. Salarino and Salanio (also known as Solanio) – friends of Antonio and Bassanio; Salerio – a messenger from Venice; friend of Antonio, Bassanio and others; Magnificoes of Venice, officers of the Court of Justice, gaolers, servants to Portia, and other attendants and Doctor Bellario, cousin of Portia x��\�o��� �?$�\���wh�+��>\��VK�-����;3�|�,�H���$����3�y쬮�l���f�'�__���f�j? With Gratiano, he helps Lorenzo abduct Jessica, but does not know where the two runaways have gone. Why does he decide it is the correct one? PORTIA There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper, That steals the colour from Bassanio’s cheek: Some dear friend dead; else nothing in the world Could turn so much the constitution Of … The same. Scene IV. How unique is the name Salarino? What message does the second casket contain? The Goodwins I think they call the place—a very dangerous flat, and fatal, where the carcasses of many a tall ship lie buried, as they say, if my gossip report be an honest woman of her word. This was about 33% of all the recorded Salarino's in the USA. Download it to get the same great text as on this site, or purchase a full copy to get the text, plus explanatory notes, illustrations, and more. Thus stage directions and speech prefixes are written and arranged with reference to the stage. Latin stage directions (e.g., Exeunt) are translated into English (e.g., They exit). Salarino escorts the newlyweds Jessica and Lorenzo to Belmont, and returns with Bassanio and Gratiano for Antonio’s trial. SALARINO : Why, all the boys in Venice followed him,Crying, his stones, his daughter, and his dollars. This scene would make him think of the dangerous rocks of the sea and … It is so referred because Salarino feels that like the Spanish ship Andrea captured by the British in 1596, his ship too is majestic and rich with cargo. Do they seem to share the same feelings? Either, as in the first quarto, Antonio has two friends—Salarino and Solanio—and a third, Salerio, who delivers a message from him to Bassanio later in the play, or Salerio and Salarino are one and the same, in which case either the copier messed up or Shakespeare forgot how the name was spelled. They play a small but important supporting role in Merchant of Venice. Solanio and Salerio discuss the rumor that Antonio has lost yet a second ship. The duke of Venice. For example, when the early printed texts read sith or apricocks or porpentine, we have not modernized to since, apricots, porcupine. New York: American Book Co. When the -ed ending of a word is to be pronounced, we mark it with an accent. Shylock tells them that Antonio should "look to his bond" and make sure he repays the money, or else Shylock is planning on taking his pound of flesh. How unique is the name Salerio? SALERIO: Salerio (Salarino) is a friend of Antonio, Salerio, whose conversation in elegant verse reflects his position as a cultured gentleman of Venice, is difficult to distinguish from his companion Solanio. It's possible, in fact, that the playwright changed his mind in the course of writing. Salerio sure hopes it wasn't one of Antonio's ships. At the play's opening Antonio says; "In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. Even Antonio doesn't know why he's sad. The Salarino family name was found in the USA in 1920. : VVith the extreame crueltie of Shylocke the Iewe towards the sayd merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his flesh: and the obtayning of Portia by the choyse of three chests. Act 1 Scene 1. The ruler of Venice, who presides over Antonio’s trial. Solanio. PORTIA There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper, That steals the colour from Bassanio’s cheek: Some dear friend dead; else nothing in the world Could turn so much the constitution Of … It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Salerio and Solanio are the storytellers in The Merchant of Venice. A room in Shylock’s house. The opening passages of a play must put the reader in possession of the essentials on which the plot is based: the place, the circumstances, and the relation of the persons who are to figure in the story. Taking all of that into consideration, therefore, we take our Four Sallies and reduce them to two: “Salanio” and “Solanio” are both Solanio. What was Antonio’s reaction to Bassanio’s departure? '�]����{����ӷ���n�i�u���N޾���y���G��"�&����H In the end, however, it does not especially matter whether we are dealing with two Sallies or three (indeed, the more the merrier). What casket does Arragon choose? Believe me, sir, had I such venture forth, The better part of my affections would.... 2 Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Salarino was not present. Lorenzo and Jessica have disappeared, but they are definitely not on the ship to Belmont with Bassiano. Salario received his bachelor's degree from American University and his J.D.from the University of Florida. Salerio is a well-connected merchant of Venice, and a friend of Antonio and Bassanio.. ... [Enter SHYLOCK, SALARINO, ANTONIO, and Gaoler] Shylock. As it hath beene diuers times acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. [Enter LORENZO, JESSICA, and SALERIO, a Messenger] from Venice] 1590; Bassanio. �ȫc�&��.I�~�i}x������K��K�v�������?�&M��! They play a small but important supporting role in Merchant of Venice. Passion: frenzy of anger. g�(f��䵭sQ�%ƣ�2�lz��a���. Passion: frenzy of anger. Here and elsewhere in the play, notably in Act I, Scene 1, these two act more or less like a chorus; that is to say, they discuss developments of the plot not shown on the stage so that the audience will be aware of them and also of their importance. Fun Facts about the name Salarino. Sometimes we go so far as to modernize certain old forms of words; for example, usually when a means “he,” we change it to he; we change mo to more, and ye to you. The Merchant of Venice, Act 1, Scene 2 Explanatory Notes for Act 1, Scene 1 From The Merchant of Venice.Ed. Salerio' a sly guy with a mysterious backstory. Salerio, Solanio, and “all the boys in Venice” ... the “Salarino” of the 1619 Quarto. A street. Salerio credits Antonio with being one of the nicest guys on the block, and he tells of how he watched Antonio and Bassanio part as the latter was on his way to … SALERIO. LORENZO. The Storytellers in The Merchant of Venice In this play two characters have a bigger role than one might imagine. They make fun of shylock but worry about Antonio and his ships cause Antonio will pay badly. Salarino and Salanio discuss the events that are unfolding in Venice. Shylock is furious with Antonio, whom he blames for the loss of Jessica, and also bears an older … The Merchant of Venice was first printed in 1600 as a quarto. Like editors for the last two centuries, we display metrically linked lines in the following way: SHYLOCK                              Shylock is my name. <> Get Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers here ICSE for class 9 and 10 board . The Salarino family name was found in the USA in 1920. He teaches as a Professor of Advanced Mathematics at the University of Oxford. stream also offered here. Professor Cedric Watts discusses 25 puzzles presented by the works of Shakespeare. He is often almost indistinguishable from his companion Solanio. Shylockenters and complains that both Solanio and Salerio had something to do with his daughter's flight. Owning at least one ship, he is convinced that worry about merchandise is the root of Antonio’s melancholy. In Venice Solanio and Salarino discuss the latest news: Shylock’s torment over the loss of his daughter and the treasures… Act 2, scene 9 At Belmont the Prince of Arragon attempts to win Portia by choosing the silver chest, but finds in it the… [c��|�� Why does he decide it is the correct one? Main (202) 544-4600Box Office (202) 544-7077. For instance: The Sonnets - autobiographical or fictional? We never know why Antonio is so sad. Scene V. The same. This was about 33% of all the recorded Salarino's in the USA. Some scholars think that whoever edited The Merchant of Venice for the First Folio must have referred to a manuscript of the play that had been used in the theater, but this theory is not well founded. Solanio and Salerio discuss the unlucky events that have befallen ... senses, affections, passions" and is "fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is" (53–7). SALERIO I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost. SALERIO: Salerio (Salarino) is a friend of Antonio, Salerio, whose conversation in elegant verse reflects his position as a cultured gentleman of Venice, is difficult to distinguish from his companion Solanio. Fun Facts about the name Salerio. endobj What would scene make him imagine ? SALANIO : Let good Antonio be careful about making his Payment on time, or he shall pay for this. Fun Facts about the name Salerio. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Salerio was not present. Prospero's epilogue: it is really Shakespeare's farewell? What was Antonio’s reaction to Bassanio’s departure? Ever since 1926, when John Dover Wilson argued that Shakespeare had intended Salarino and Salerio to be the same character, most editors have collapsed the three characters into two named Salerio and Solanio. The duke of Venice. Yet on stage the actor playing Nerissa would hand over not a “deed” but simply a piece of paper. Like the Second Quarto of 1619, the First Folio text is based on an edited copy of the First Quarto of 1600 (Q1). Ever since 1926, when John Dover Wilson argued that Shakespeare had intended Salarino and Salerio to be the same character, most editors have collapsed the three characters into two named Salerio and Solanio. SALARINO : Why, all the boys in Venice followed him,Crying, his stones, his daughter, and his dollars. 2 0 obj Salerio comments that Antonio is worried about his merchant ships that are sailing on the treacherous sea. In the end, however, it does not especially matter whether we are dealing with two Sallies or three (indeed, the more the merrier). We do, however, regularize the name Salarino, which in Q1 is sometimes spelled “Salaryno” or “Salerino” as well as “Salarino.”. We want our readers to be immediately aware when we have intervened. ... servant to Portia SALERIO, a messenger from Venice ... [Exeunt Salarino and Solanio.] Stage directions for the entrance of characters in mid-scene are, with rare exceptions, placed so that they immediately precede the characters’ participation in the scene, even though these entrances may appear somewhat earlier in the early printed texts. Scene IV. The same. For instance: The Sonnets - autobiographical or fictional? He is often almost indistinguishable from his companion Solanio. Ever since 1926, when John Dover Wilson argued that Shakespeare had intended Salarino and Salerio to be the same character, most editors have collapsed the three characters into two named Salerio and Solanio. (Occasional exceptions to this rule occur when the action is so obvious that to add a stage direction would insult the reader.) ) was the same as the abbreviated form of Salarino (Sal.) What are the 'glass eyes' in King Lear? To hold that the Author only intended two characters (with Salarino and Salerio being the same character) is to also accuse him of something more damning that a lack of imagination—which is a lack of memory and precision. However, when there are a number of short verse-lines that can be linked in more than one way, we do not, with rare exceptions, indent any of them. An Introduction William Shakespeare’s 2. Variations in the speech headings of the early printed texts are recorded in the textual notes. (i) This scene takes place in a street in Venice. Solanio, Salarino, and Salerio all inhabited Merchant when it first appeared in the 1600 quarto edition known to scholars as Q1, but whether Shakespeare meant there to be two characters or three is a matter of mystery. I,1,16. This scene would make him think of the dangerous rocks of the sea and … Felix E. Schelling. Act 1 Scene 1. A Venetian gentleman, and frequent counterpart to Salarino. Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wracked on the narrow seas. The Merchant of Venice, Act 1, Scene 2 Explanatory Notes for Act 1, Scene 1 From The Merchant of Venice.Ed. We have also consulted the computerized text of the 1600 quarto provided by the Text Archive of the Oxford University Computing Centre, to which we are grateful. The masked Gratiano and Salerio wait for Lorenzo outside Shylock’s house. *��Ī"������U���ٴ]f*퓿f�6�B�[x�?��_g�~�e��2�&ݗ�cw����wIV��*M>6��=����ݦ�a6ſ���l�J�\��i&̐兂5u^��6�Չ!�d�)�(�'�u�i'�ʲLQ�I���ͦ!9�]��E��+/�7���.k�:�� ��j���m��iِ�U��� o��j#ӂ㵖aV�fU�se��rBҿKH67:1 +U��qͱq�f_j��M��7��ߠf|]g�H�����̖i�gB�����mc�`�A�����Q���i:����q��:���4�{�̈́�F��2���v_>�E�>�O��;Y>�I&l�g��fۿ���]7Ye�����]����EA�؎GQ7�W�Y}���8S��M�V8U�i�j�oAX]&DJ��/{&-A���6}#�)�&� It's possible, in fact, that the playwright changed his mind in the course of writing. The four winds, or Anemoi in Greek mythology, were gods associated with the four cardinal directions and thought to bring the seasons and weather conditions. LORENZO. But since Salarino and Salerio are the same character, this obviously doesn’t solve the problem. Get Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers here ICSE for class 9 and 10 board . What are the 'glass eyes' in King Lear? What casket does Arragon choose? SALERIO. Editors of the Folger Shakespeare Library Editions. A room in Shylock’s house. The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play written by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in Venice named Antonio defaults on a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock.It is believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599. The same. But whoever produced this 1619 quarto does not seem to have had access to either an author’s manuscript or one from the theater and does not seem always to have understood the play. Outrageous : exessive. Keep his day : pay up on the day fixed. What would scene make him imagine ? Solanio. Salrino and Solanio are Friends of main character Antonio. The same. Scene V. The same. Salario received his bachelor's degree from American University and his J.D.from the University of Florida. Undeniably, The Merchant covers some of the same … Why does he decide it is the correct one? Salarino escorts the newlyweds Jessica and Lorenzo to Belmont, and returns with Bassanio and Gratiano for Antonio’s trial. They fill in important information that the audience needs to full understand the play. We correct or regularize a number of the proper names in the dialogue and stage directions, as is the usual practice in editions of the play. The most excellent historie of the merchant of Venice. First, the two names differ by only a few letters, they are so close that one might confuse the two and think that they are the same person. In the present edition, as well, we mark with a dash any change of address within a speech, unless a stage direction intervenes. Weird things about the name Salerio: The name spelled backwards is Oirelas. You've made this easy; because you've asked for an exact answer. Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wracked on the narrow seas. The same. Variable : changing in mood. Salerio, Solanio, and “all the boys in Venice” ... the “Salarino” of the 1619 Quarto. While Salarino and Solanio are still talking to Antonio about his sadness, Bassanio, Lorenzo, and Gratiano enter the scene. Word Meaning With Annotation. The First Folio, on the other hand, correctly changes the character’s name to Solanio. Editors and readers have often had trouble distinguishing among three characters with closely similar names: Salarino, Solanio, and Salerio. Here and elsewhere in the play, notably in Act I, Scene 1, these two act more or less like a chorus; that is to say, they discuss developments of the plot not shown on the stage so that the audience will be aware of them and also of their importance. SALANIO : Let good Antonio be careful about making his Payment on time, or he shall pay for this. Salerio and Solanio are the storytellers in The Merchant of Venice. ... servant to Portia SALERIO, a messenger from Venice ... [Exeunt Salarino and Solanio.] The Merchant of Venice 1. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Salerio was not present. (vi) When Salarino would go to the church he would see the holy building made of stone. Translate Salario. The present edition is based directly on the 1600 quarto.I For the convenience of the reader, we have modernized the punctuation and the spelling of the quarto text. It is not our practice in editing any of the plays to modernize words that sound distinctly different from modern forms. Antonio, Salarino and Salanio are present in the scene. I call Salarino and Solanio bystanders because throughout the play they are never directly involved in the action. The role of Salarino and Solanio is to be bystanders that provide narration and comic relief. Keep his day : pay up on the day fixed. Salerio and Solanio are the storytellers in The Merchant of Venice. Word Meaning With Annotation. II.ix. For example, at the very end of the play Nerissa says that she is giving Lorenzo “a special deed of gift” (5.1.313), and so she is in the fiction of the play. �� ��t��^���Ye �@�R�%=��(=㰔�m��(]c�B�Hƅ�"H)k`8$���]�}�����*rq@|�=��+A�m�. The opening passages of a play must put the reader in possession of the essentials on which the plot is based: the place, the circumstances, and the relation of the persons who are to figure in the story. I. The men reason back and forth over whether they should tell Antonio the potentially disastrous news. Do they seem to share the same feelings? What is the plot of the long-lost Love's Labour's Won? Prospero's epilogue: it is really Shakespeare's farewell? Professor Cedric Watts discusses 25 puzzles presented by the works of Shakespeare. We also modernize and, where necessary, correct passages in foreign languages, unless an error in the early printed text can be reasonably explained as a joke. Then in 1619 someone used a copy of the 1600 quarto as the basis of a second quarto-edition of the play. What casket does Arragon choose? The Greek Oracles made known the will of Gods and were received by all without questions. Also, without Salarino and Solanio, the audience would not fully understand the characters and why they think and act a certain way. How do Salerio and Salarino feel about Shylock? [Enter LORENZO, JESSICA, and SALERIO, a Messenger] from Venice] 1590; Bassanio. They do not deny it, but instead ask Shylock if he has heard about Antonio's losses. Get in touch here. Outrageous : exessive. Do they seem to share the same feelings? Antonio, Salarino and Salanio are present in the scene. Either, as in the first quarto, Antonio has two friends--Salarino and Solanio--and a third, Salerio, who delivers a message from him to Bassanio later in the play, or Salerio and Salarino are one and the same, in which case either the copier messed up or Shakespeare forgot how the name was spelled. Undeniably, The Merchant covers some of the same … The Goodwins I think they call the place—a very dangerous flat, and fatal, where the carcasses of many a tall ship lie buried, as they say, if my gossip report be an honest woman of her word. Translate Salario. (i) This scene takes place in a street in Venice. 3 0 obj For example, the first time Lancelet Gobbo comes on stage, he calls himself “Launcelet Iobbe.” Then his father enters under the name “old Gobbo.” Like most editors before us, we think that the father and son had the same last name, which we spell “Gobbo.” Unlike all editors since Rowe (1709), however, we retain Q1’s name “Lancelet” rather than changing it to “Lancelot.” Editors and readers have often had trouble distinguishing among three characters with closely similar names: Salarino, Solanio, and Salerio. When the forms an, and, or and if appear instead of the modern form if, we have reduced and to an but have not changed any of these forms to their modern equivalent, if. Weird things about the name Salarino: The name spelled backwards is Oniralas. You can get your own copy of this text to keep. Title: Shakespeare, William. I call Salarino and Solanio bystanders because throughout the play they are never directly involved in the action. His professional life consists of a dual PhD in Theoretical Mathematics and English and Textual Studies . We also regularize the speakers’ names in speech headings, using only a single designation for each character, even though the early printed texts sometimes use a variety of designations. Felix E. Schelling. New York: American Book Co. A Venetian gentleman, and frequent counterpart to Salarino. The Greek Oracles made known the will of Gods and were received by all without questions. Weird things about the name Salerio: The name spelled backwards is Oirelas. In 1920 there was 1 Salarino family living in Massachusetts. (Only when we correct an obvious typographical error in Q1 does the change not get marked.) <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The ruler of Venice, who presides over Antonio’s trial. vi) When Salarino would goto church what would he see? A street. This edition differs from many earlier ones in its efforts to aid the reader in imagining the play as a performance. 4 pages (882 words), Views: Salerio and Solanio to Antonio and Bassanio. What message does the second casket contain? Whenever we move a stage direction, we record this change in the textual notes. Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context) Speech text: 1. To full understand the play move a stage direction would insult the reader in imagining the play were... Character Antonio rich lading wracked on the narrow seas weird things about the Salarino! 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The same … you can get your own copy of this text to keep the Sonnets - autobiographical fictional. Abbreviated forms of names used as speech headings of the Merchant of.! Crying, his daughter, and “ all the recorded Salarino 's and Salanio are in! Trouble distinguishing among three characters with closely similar names: Salarino, Antonio whom... The actor playing Nerissa would hand over not a “ deed ” but simply piece! Feedback for the Folger Shakespeare team and complains that both Solanio and Salerio, a messenger from Venice 1590. Be, they are never directly involved in the USA place in street. Be bystanders that provide narration and comic relief sooth, i know not why i am sad. Salanio 's opening lines are hurried and excited rumor that Antonio has yet... Folger Shakespeare team different census years modernize words that sound distinctly different modern... Written by William ShakespeareCreator: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616Date Created: 1600Folger Reference:... 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Bachelor 's degree from American University and his dollars latin stage directions ( e.g., they exit ) Merchant! Three characters with closely similar names: Salarino, Antonio, Salarino, Antonio, Salarino Solanio. Keep his day: pay up on the day fixed know not why i am so sad boys in.! Unchecked that Antonio is worried about his sadness, Bassanio, Lorenzo, and Salerio wait for outside! Basis of a dual PhD in Theoretical Mathematics and English and textual Studies for class 9 and 10 board ask. Fleece that he hath lost but does not know where the two runaways gone...

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